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June 28, 2024

 5 Guaranteed Pathways to Permanent Residency in New Zealand for Skilled Professionals from Africa

New Zealand is a popular destination for skilled professionals seeking permanent residency due to its robust economy, high quality of life, and welcoming immigration policies. For skilled professionals from Africa, there are several pathways to achieving permanent residency in New Zealand. This guide outlines five guaranteed pathways, each designed to cater to different skills and circumstances.


  1. Skilled Migrant Category (SMC)



The Skilled Migrant Category (SMC) is the primary pathway for skilled professionals to gain permanent residency in New Zealand. This points-based system assesses applicants based on factors such as age, work experience, qualifications, and job offers.


Eligibility Criteria


Age: Must be 55 years or younger.

– English Language: Proficiency in English.

– Health and Character: Must meet health and character requirements.

– Points System: Must score at least 160 points in the points-based system.


Key Steps


  1. Expression of Interest (EOI): Submit an EOI through the Immigration New Zealand (INZ) website.
  2. Invitation to Apply: If your EOI is selected, you will receive an Invitation to Apply (ITA) for residence.
  3. Application Submission: Submit your residence application with supporting documents.
  4. Decision: INZ assesses your application and makes a decision.




– Direct Pathway: A direct route to permanent residency.

– Family Inclusion: Allows you to include your partner and dependent children in your application.




– Job Offer Requirement: While having a job offer significantly boosts your points, it is not mandatory to submit an EOI.


  1. Work to Residence Visa




The Work to Residence (WTR) Visa is a two-step process that allows skilled workers to transition from a temporary work visa to permanent residency after two years.


Eligibility Criteria


– Job Offer: A job offer from an accredited employer or in an occupation on the Long Term Skill Shortage List (LTSSL).

– Qualifications and Experience: Relevant qualifications and work experience.

– Age: Must be 55 years or younger.

– Health and Character: Must meet health and character requirements.


Key Steps


  1. Work Visa Application: Apply for a WTR Visa based on a job offer.
  2. Work for Two Years: Work in New Zealand for the accredited employer or in the LTSSL occupation.
  3. Apply for Residence: After two years, apply for permanent residency under the Residence from Work category.




– Accredited Employers: Easier application process if working for an accredited employer.

– Pathway to Residence: Clear pathway to permanent residency after two years.




– Immediate Residency: This visa is not an immediate residency visa but a pathway that leads to permanent residency after fulfilling certain conditions.


  1. Essential Skills Work Visa




The Essential Skills Work Visa allows skilled workers to live and work in New Zealand temporarily. This visa can be a stepping stone to permanent residency if you secure a job that meets the criteria for the Skilled Migrant Category.


Eligibility Criteria


– Job Offer: A job offer from a New Zealand employer in an occupation where there is a shortage of local workers.

– Qualifications and Experience: Relevant qualifications and work experience.

– Market Test: The employer must demonstrate that they have made genuine attempts to recruit a New Zealander for the role.


Key Steps


  1. Job Offer: Secure a job offer from a New Zealand employer.
  2. Work Visa Application: Apply for an Essential Skills Work Visa.
  3. Work in New Zealand: Gain relevant work experience in New Zealand.
  4. Apply for SMC: Use the work experience to apply for permanent residency under the Skilled Migrant Category.




– Job-Based: Provides an opportunity to gain valuable New Zealand work experience.

– Stepping Stone: Can be a stepping stone to the Skilled Migrant Category for permanent residency.




– Temporary Visa: This is a temporary visa, not a direct pathway to permanent residency, but it can lead to residency through the SMC.


  1. Entrepreneur Work Visa




The Entrepreneur Work Visa is designed for individuals who want to establish or buy a business in New Zealand. Successful entrepreneurs can eventually apply for permanent residency under the Entrepreneur Residence Category.


Eligibility Criteria


– Capital Investment: Minimum capital investment of NZD 100,000 (excluding working capital).

– Business Plan: Detailed business plan showing the viability of the business.

– Points System: Score points based on factors such as capital investment, business experience, and job creation.

– Health and Character: Must meet health and character requirements.


Key Steps


  1. Business Plan and Application: Submit a business plan and application for an Entrepreneur Work Visa.
  2. Establish Business: Establish or purchase the business in New Zealand.
  3. Operate Business: Successfully operate the business for at least two years.
  4. Apply for Residence: Apply for permanent residency under the Entrepreneur Residence Category.




– Business Opportunities: Opportunity to establish a business in a thriving economy.

– Pathway to Residence: Clear pathway to permanent residency through successful business operation.




– Immediate Success: Business success and permanent residency are not guaranteed; careful planning and execution are required.


  1. Post-Study Work Visa to Residence




For students from Africa who have completed their studies in New Zealand, the Post-Study Work Visa allows them to gain work experience. This experience can then be used to apply for permanent residency under the Skilled Migrant Category.


Eligibility Criteria


– New Zealand Qualification: Must have completed a qualification that meets New Zealand’s study requirements.

– Job Offer: A job offer relevant to your field of study (not mandatory but highly beneficial).

– Work Experience: Gain relevant work experience in New Zealand.


Key Steps
  1. Study in New Zealand: Complete a qualification that meets study requirements.
  2. Post-Study Work Visa Application: Apply for a Post-Study Work Visa.
  3. Gain Work Experience: Gain work experience in your field of study.
  4. Apply for SMC: Use the work experience to apply for permanent residency under the Skilled Migrant Category.




– Education to Employment: Seamless transition from education to employment and then to permanent residency.

– Work Experience: Opportunity to gain valuable New Zealand work experience.




– Automatic Residency: Completing a New Zealand qualification does not automatically lead to permanent residency; work experience and job offers are critical.



New Zealand offers several pathways for skilled professionals from Africa to achieve permanent residency. Whether through the Skilled Migrant Category, Work to Residence, Essential Skills Work Visa, Entrepreneur Work Visa, or Post-Study Work Visa, each pathway has specific requirements and advantages.

By understanding these pathways and meeting the necessary criteria, skilled professionals can successfully transition to permanent residency in New Zealand, opening doors to a prosperous and fulfilling life in this beautiful country.